Home » Who are Micro-Influencers and How to find them? | Social Media Tips

Who are Micro-Influencers and How to find them? | Social Media Tips

by Melanie Peterson
In a previous report that is based on 3.7 million mentions and 23 million interactions that influencers generated on social media. The report describes 100 influencers who are building the most engagement among their fans on social media.

In this report, I mean influencers from the industry and opinion leaders watched by millions of users. The names from this report should not come as a surprise to marketers.

Who is the Micro-influencer?

Cooperation with the largest influencers of the industry usually has a positive effect on numerical results. This is based on coverage in social media and the commitment that attracts such people. This guarantees us a huge number of views. At the other end of the spectrum are micro-influencers.

Micro-influencer is a relatively young term and has little to do with media hype, fame and wealth generated by influencers from the above-mentioned report.

Micro-influencers are Internet users with a much smaller audience. What distinguishes their fans is a much greater commitment compared to fans of macro-influencers.

Takumi’s research proves that in the case of Instagram, a huge number of followers are inversely proportional to their involvement. Below you will find graphics that will allow you to look at your business through the prism of this phenomenon.

It seems that interpersonal relationships and the extent to which people can identify with each other outweigh the impact of leading macro-influencers. This, in turn, is of great importance for consumer decisions.

Micro-influencer – Why you should get interested in it?

The term “micro-influencers” is primarily associated with numerical results such as the number of followers and coverage in social media. However, this is a short-sighted view that requires in-depth analysis. The essence of this term is the convergence of interests between people. Everything is based on the fact that people are in the same situation, have the same accessibility and share common experiences.

For example, a group of cyclists, connected through a group in social media, will have a greater impact on the consumer decisions of one of them than any top macro-influencer.

“Micro-inflow” is therefore not defined by the number of followers, but by the conversations of the thematic group in which the consumer is involved.

A micro-influencer is not someone who has a certain number of followers involved or not – but is watched by people with whom a potential buyer talks when he is considering a purchase decision.
In other words, a micro-influencer is a person who influences his community in the purchasing process.

The truth is that the number of followers will in no way predict whether a person will buy something or not. With this in mind, more and more brands are following the trend of engaging “micro-observing” users watching micro-influencers.

Shane Barker, strategist, author and one of the leading authorities in the fields of influencer marketing and SEO, has created an amazing infographic on the subject of micro-influencers. He gathered in one place everything you should know about micro-influencers.

How to find a Micro-influencer?

Finding micro-influencer can be called as internet monitoring.

Internet monitoring, also known as social listening, allows you to collect online mentions in real-time. They are collected from all possible online sources based on pre-defined keywords.
They include:

  • Social media
  • Blissful
  • Websites
  • Discussion forums
  • Information portals, etc.

You can monitor any topic, phrase, hashtag or page.

Internet monitoring tools have great analytical capabilities and provide valuable data. They can analyze:

  • Number of mentions
  • Amount of interaction
  • Coverage on social media
  • And the emotional background of each mention.

This is widely used in brand monitoring, social selling, customer service, market research or influencer marketing.

How to find a Micro-influencer based on a hashtag?

All we know about the popularity of hashtags. Hashtags owe their popularity to Twitter and are one of the key elements of social media communication. Internet monitoring tools enable hashtags analysis, thanks to which you can easily reach the most active profiles.

Benefits of Working with Micro-influencer includes:

  1. More Relevant
  2. More Cost-Effective – Ideal for Startups and Small Businesses
  3. Establish Trusts
  4. Generate Higher Engagement
  5. Gets your brand Message Across
  6. Boosts Conversions

Best Tips on Working with Micro-influencers

  1. Focus on Relevance
  2. Engagement should come before reach
  3. Choose influencers whose values align with yours
  4. Send them Freebies
  5. Ask them for Authentic Reviews
  6. Promote Give Away Campaigns
  7. Sponsor Unboxing Videos

Influencers have lots of followers on their profiles and they can easily engage them. You can also add followers to your profiles but you must buy Instagram followers UK from trusted suppliers.


Micro-influencers are the persons that can influence users in the purchasing process. It may be a better option to work with influencers especially for startups and small businesses. If you think internet monitoring is for you that go ahead and use any free best tool to analyze and engage your community for generating sales.

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