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Things You Have to Know When Moving House

by Melanie Peterson

Hopefully, if you are currently in a position when you are shortly going to be packing up the entirety of your belongings into cardboard boxes and moving your worldly possessions into a brand-new home, you have planned enough time to not have to tush the process.

Whether you have a month or even longer to transition naturally into spending your first night in your new house or else are working to a shorter and strict time limit, you have come to the right place. Here, for your information and to hopefully help you get things in order, are the top five things you have to know when moving house.

1. Declutter As You Pack

One of the easiest things to remember for when you start to pack up your belongings in each room and box them up ready to move them into your new home is to declutter and streamline as you pack each box. 

Decluttering is an important part of relocating as it helps the feeling of turning the page and starting afresh, as well as the following reasons:

  • Alleviation of stress and anxiety
  • Reduction of allergens
  • Cleaner and more open interior living spaces
  • Improved quality and duration of sleep
  • Helps to restore an emotional balance

2. Change Your Address

Often, people get so caught up in the drama and stress of the week of relocating that they forget to contact their bank and other official institutions and inform them of the move.

To avoid this, be sure to make a comprehensive list of every individual and company that needs to be notified of your impending move, including insurance companies, opticians, medical doctors, dentists, and your children’s schools to name a few.

Additionally, remember to also contact the relevant utility companies and other subscription services and to give them your new address in good time. 

3. Hire a Removal Company

Another fundamental mistake people across the length and breadth of the country and beyond often make when moving house is to attempt to move the entirety of their worldly possessions on their own.

It is strongly advisable, instead, to hire the services of professional, reputable, and renowned local movers who will be able to ensure every single one of your belongings is delivered safely and on time to your new abode.

4. Clean Your New Home

Once you have packed your belongings to move into your old house, you should then turn your attention to cleaning and preparing your new home ahead of the actual moving day.

Obviously, this is sometimes impossible, especially if you are part of a larger chain, but if you can, spend at least one full day cleaning out every square foot thoroughly as well as paying attention to the backyard and front garden. 

5. Write a Snagging List

If you are moving into a brand-new house, one important task you must never neglect is to write a snagging list to give to the representative of the construction company who was responsible for building the house. 

Obviously, as each house is entirely unique, even if they share the same layout and floor plan, there are probably going to be smaller defects and imperfections which you will only begin to notice once you have moved in.

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