Home » 10 Marriage Proposal Tips

10 Marriage Proposal Tips

by Melanie Peterson
Proposing to your love is one of the biggest decisions of your life. Although the idea of marriage isn’t as predictable these days, a statement of committal is huge in the eyes of the person you love. A marriage proposal is as big as it gets and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Planning is essential. It’s too easy to get it wrong! From asking your florist to hide a beautiful engagement ring in a bunch of flowers to splurging on a romantic holiday away. Proposing must be planned ahead.

1. Be sure before you go ahead

Whether you have been together three months or three years, it is wise to be certain about the answer before proposing. If you have discussed a future together and are both on the same page, it’s a safe bet that your proposal will be accepted.

2. Don’t tell Everyone!

While you may want to share your decision before going ahead, don’t tell everyone first. You don’t want to risk your partner feeling that they are the last to know of your plans and it will spoil the moment! Keep the news to as few people as possible and make sure that you can trust them to keep a secret.

3. Check in with the Family

As a sign of respect, it is advisable to speak to your partner’s family before going ahead and proposing, even if they are not traditional about asking permission. After all, you are planning to join that family, and this shows goodwill and consideration for them. These rules apply to your own family too. It will not go well if they find out via social media, it’s best to keep your family and your potential in-laws in the loop and on-side!

4. Plan Ahead

Keep your budget in mind, this is only the beginning of the whole engagement and wedding cycle! Planning will give you time to make some sensible decisions before popping the question. Romance is the essence of a proposal, so it doesn’t have to be expensive to impress your partner. For example, you may want to have a token ring, so that you can select the real thing together. Whatever your budget, the proposal will require careful planning, especially if it is a surprise.

5. Be thoughtful in your planning

The occasion of your proposal will become part of your family history, so be mindful of how it will be remembered by your partner and yourself, and anyone else who will see or hear about it. The proposal must be personal to each of you and should remain as a beautiful memory, not an embarrassing family story that you will never live down.

6. Timing

Timing is of the essence…it would be a mistake to choose a place that becomes very public at certain times. If you think a beautiful park or garden is the place to propose, check that it isn’t the walk-through from the station at peak hour or after school, or a popular tourist spot. Also factor in the season as this may affect your choice of place.

7. How will you propose?

Consider your partner’s tastes and plan around that. If you are both on the more traditional side, maybe a romantic dinner and flowers at a venue that is special. If that’s too traditional, find something more adventurous or exotic (the Zoo?) that you both enjoy.

8. Record the event

In this age of Social Media, many want to record this special moment. Don’t do it yourself! Asking for your partner’s hand in marriage while holding a mobile phone is NOT romantic! If you want to record this occasion, then enlist the help of discreet friends to be on hand to help without being conspicuous. Having a record of your proposal will become part of your family history so is something to consider.

9. Say it with Flowers

Sometimes simplicity can is the best way to propose, especially if you are somewhere special or remembering a significant date. If you want to keep it simple, what could be more romantic than a unique bouquet of flowers from your florist, that will say it all and melt your partner’s heart.

10. What will you say?

So, you are going to propose, then practice beforehand. Proposing is an emotional moment and can be overwhelming, so don’t leave this to chance. Write down what you want to say and practice. You can even write a special message or poem that you can give or read to your partner. Envisage the moment, and how you want to pop the question. Practice will help give you confidence! 

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