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Role of an Advertising Agency in Taking a Business to the Next Level of Success – Facts you Should Know!!

by Melanie Peterson
Well, it puts us in an immense pleasure that you have stopped here to read this necessary information. We hope you are eager to know what role an advertising agency plays in stepping you up a ladder of improvement. You have landed on the right page; here you will get the details that aware of the advertisers right from scratch!!

In this digital age, people are familiar with the term “Advertising” which has become a prominent part to bring the best results for your business. It is a way to promote your business online by connecting customers via digital channels. An advertiser uses online marketing tactics to spread awareness about a brand, its product, and its services. There is the involvement of experts who know how-tos of marketing plans and strategies and the behavior consumers.

There are numerous ways that serve as a strong pillar to build your online presence. Let’s shed some light on what these are how they are effective in attaining customer attention.

Grab these important points now!!

  • According to a survey, Search Engine Optimization is the most prominent used because it success to drive heavy customer attention. It brings above 93 % of all website traffic.
  • As there is a large number of Smartphone users, people use to surf the internet to fulfill their needs. About 76% of the people visit the website they are looking for and out of them, there are about 28% results in buying.
  • One of the important factors that contribute to the growth of SEO is Link Building. It is however, a difficult task too.
  • Headlines or the titles you use in your text are one of the efficient ways of attracting customers. It is also noticed that Titles with the words between 6-13 are more likely to be read and brings a consistent traffic amount.
  • A PPC campaign brings major customer attention and boosts traffic by 300%.
  • On social media platforms like Facebook, Youtube Twitter, Instagram, etc, people used to share content with visualization as compared to simple text. Imagery content like Videos, Infographics, is shared on a large amount.
  • It takes only 8 seconds for a customer that comes to your website to get attracted. Therefore, it is suggested to keep the focus on text headlines that can appeal to customers at first sight.
  • Email marketing campaigns yield $44.25.
  • The use of emails has been increased by 80% in the last six months.
  • Content is the base of all the marketing campaigns. It is helpful for companies who update blogs about 15 times a month. It yields heavy traffic.
  • The use of custom content is going to benefitting a lot in the future.
  • If you use videos on your website landing page, there are chances of getting conversions increased by 86%.
  • Many companies are growing only just because of the attractive infographics used.
  • Mobile Traffic is growing at a rate of 125% while the growth rate of desktop traffic is 12%.
  • Only 20% of the visitors coming to your website read your text while the rest 80% used to prefer watching videos.

These statistics will let you know the importance of Advertising. If this information is satisfactory, let us inform you an advertising agency put their efforts to generate leads and revenue. Some basics steps they perform are enlisted as:

  • It’s important to identify the target audience to make your marketing materials more intuitive. Hence, Advertisement agencies consider this point and work accordingly.
  • It is of course, the quality that boosts can boost your market presence. Therefore, we find high-quality professional content, a creative and attractive logo that reflects your brand, and wonderful landing pages.
  • Before any plan to execute, they thoroughly examine the risk factors, what profits it is going to revert.
  • They also keep an eye over their competitors, research on them, and gain in-depth knowledge. This lets to produce better results.
  • After a campaign launched successfully, professionals track their performance and create progress reports on a weekly or daily basis.
  • To think creatively and out of the box is their habit!!
  • Guarantee a smooth connection with the customers.
  • Contributes to the overall development of your organization.

We are assuming the information provided here sounds appealing to you. You are now willing to meet some experts that plan your advertising campaigns. We also know that there are some doubts knocking to your mind whom to contact and where to go. Do not get frustrated!! You can follow Advertising Agency Los Angeles which is one of the best agencies in Los Angeles. Right from SEO, SMM, Email Marketing, Content Marketing to PPC management, you can avail every digital marketing services from here.

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