Home » Benefits of Work-In-Progress Signs In the Construction Industry

Benefits of Work-In-Progress Signs In the Construction Industry

by Melanie Peterson

Work-in-progress signs are crucial for your construction site. They indicate how the construction is still going on, thus alerting people and warning them about the potential hazards of entering the construction premises. These signs have high resolution and can withstand different weather conditions, chemicals, and water, making them ideal for construction sites.

These work-in-progress signs are mainly there to warn people. You can place the sign at several visible spots so passers-by can easily see them and avoid any dangers and accidents on the site.

Furthermore, you can mount the signs on walls or hang them on boundaries. These signs remind people that construction is going so, so they can maintain a safe distance from the site.

What Messages to Include on These Signs?

You can display several messages with the appropriate graphics. “No Authorized Access,” “Warning,” “Danger Ahead,” and “Construction Work in Progress” are all examples of messages you can include in work-in-progress signs.

These signs help steer clear of unfortunate accidents. To ensure that you get quality signs that are durable and visible even from a distance, you should get such signs from experienced sign makers like Signs NY. Let’s look at some of the top types of work-in-progress signs used in the construction industry.

Hot Work –in Progress Sign

This sign indicates that unauthorized or unlicensed personnel are not allowed on the construction premises. Hot work areas include areas for welding, cutting, and soldering.

Trip Hazards Signs

Construction sites have uneven ground that presents the risks of slips, trips, and even falls during construction works. The materials on the construction site can create dangerous circumstances, so it is important to display falling or tripping signs to outline the safe zones and minimize hazards.

Toxic Materials Signs

Toxic materials can be hazardous to health. Construction sites have toxic substances like asbestos and lead paint. The fumes created by these are also hazardous. Disposing of these toxins is only the work of trained personnel. Hence putting up signs for toxic materials is extremely important.

Demolition Work in Progress Signs

These signs depict the construction site that is scheduled for demolition. It helps notify passers-by to stay away from the construction to avoid any accidents and other hazards. Demolition signs also have the risk of collapse. Hence, good preparation and preventive measures like these signs should be a part of your construction site.

No Entry Work-in Progress Sign

It is important to inform people around the construction site about the dangers. Placing no-entry signs shows them to stay away from the construction site and avoid uncalled incidents that can have dire consequences.

Electrical Work-in Progress Sign

Construction sites use power tools in close proximity to overhead power lines and cables. This puts the construction workers on your site at risk of electrocution. Furthermore, all electrical-related work should only be carried out by qualified electricians. That is why you need to put up these signs.

Noisy Work-in-Progress Signs

Excess noise from machinery and tools can affect hearing and prevents construction workers from communicating. Lack of communication results in accidents. Hence, to avoid these problems, noisy work-in-progress signs are important.

Men Working Above Sign

Construction sites also involve working at heights. Falling debris or tools is a common risk that puts lives in danger. Putting men working above signs helps people and construction workers working below stay put and take necessary precautions in the area.

Lifting Work-in Progress Sign

Lifting involves transporting heavy objects from one place to another on the construction site. Other construction workers should therefore be informed of these movements so unnecessary accidents can be avoided on the site. That is why using lifting work-in-progress signs is important for your construction site.

What are These Boards Made Of?

These warning signs or work-in-progress signs are made of the best plastics and have dual sides. The color scheme used in most signs is yellow and black, making it very visible even from a distance.

The good thing about such signs is that they are very sturdy and lightweight. Additionally, they’re very easy to install. You only need to open them up and place them at a suitable location on the work site.


The importance of these work-in-progress signs for construction is quite evident. Hence, using them is very important, as they are required for the safety of passersby. Our work-in-progress signs are the perfect solution for your construction site signs. You have to ensure that you are using the right sign at the right place, moreover they need to be of high-quality material that can withstand all kinds of harsh weather conditions. Also, they need to be clearly visible from a distance. That’s the reason you should always get such signs from a good experienced company so that you can be sure about their durability.

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