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8 Tips to Organizing Your Work Week and Reduce Stress

by Maria Berg

Getting through a stressful week can be done in several ways, but organizing your work week correctly can help a lot. The American Institute of Stress reports that 120,000 people die from stress each year, so we must learn how to reduce our stress levels to feel happier and healthier. Let’s look at a few tips that can make it easier.

8 Tips to Organizing Your Work Week and Reduce Stress

1. Organize Your Time

We can always earn more money, but time never returns once spent. Set up a schedule and stick to it. Don’t overbook your time, however. You won’t reduce stress that way. Keep the schedule light but booked well enough to accomplish your goals. Only plan for the number of activities that you can do. Schedule downtime to rest mentally and physically.

2. Healthy Diet

Health experts have spoken about how eating foods rich in nutrients like Vitamin E and omega-3s can reduce how much stress you feel. The keto diet works on this principle. Some evidence suggests that it boosts the endorphins or the feel-good neurotransmitters to eliminate the stress felt. Especially when you have a week full of activity, eating right can make a big difference. With a keto meal planner, you can reap the health benefits and have your own personalized meal plan tailored to your goals and lifestyle.

3. Organize the Home

Nothing feels worse than scrambling for a missing item at the last second that you can’t find. Cluttered homes impact your motivation on a subtle level. To organize the home and reduce your stress, you can designate an area for important items. For example, set a place for your keys, work documents and supplies. Put everything you need in designated areas to reduce the time spent searching for them.

4. Take Proactive Measures

You can reduce a large amount of stress with good organization of your work week through proactive measures. For example, resolve things before they can turn into a problem. Look for patterns and triggers to stress. Eliminate them when possible. For example, if you notice that you stress over a specific report when the boss orders it, try to get ahead of it to give yourself more time to complete it.

5. Make Time for Workplace Wellness

Create a workplace where you can sustain your well-being throughout the day. Don’t overdo the work since this can work against you as well. Add indoor plants that improve your air quality and make the space feel more inviting. Buy a diffuser or scented candle to light up for those moments when you want to feel good and take a break.

6. Prioritize Your Goals

Before you can set a clear priority, look at the objectives. What will let you move forward the fastest? You might track your activities to see where your weak points exist and weed out the things that don’t help you.

7. Set Clear Deadlines

To keep multistage projects on track and move forward without scrambling, set clear deadlines that will keep you moving forward. Deadlines boost your performance, and they create a system of accountability. Keep in mind that you must set realistic deadlines that don’t rush you to the end goal. Creating deadlines also puts the momentum going in the right direction. At the same time, deadlines keep you from slacking off.

Creating longer deadlines may encourage procrastination. You want to keep the feedback coming in at all points. For example, don’t set a deadline of two weeks away. While you might create that as the ultimate goal, you may want to create many smaller deadlines to guarantee that you stay on track.

8. Schedule in Enough Sleep

Sleep disorders affect over 70 million Americans, and one study confirmed how this made their everyday lives and routines more stressful. You want to schedule an estimated eight hours of sleep every night. In the past, business leaders said that sleep was for the weak, but as it turns out, sleep is essential for your health. A lack of sleep can lead to health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and stroke.


Doing some of these things can allow you to lower your stress throughout the work week. Managing stress at work also partially has to do with keeping a positive and resilient mindset that can meet the day with enthusiasm.

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