Home » 8 Tips to Help You Achieve a Better Night’s Sleep

8 Tips to Help You Achieve a Better Night’s Sleep

by Maria Berg

Sleep is one of the most important needs for a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Unfortunately, society’s frenetic pace has created a culture that does not prioritize sleep. The long-term consequences can be serious: physical and mental health issues, lack of productivity, and lack of creativity, to name a few. Getting a good night’s sleep benefits your emotional, mental, and physical health. The following are eight tips to help you achieve a good night’s sleep.

8 Tips to Help You Achieve a Better Nights Sleep

1. Maintain Your Sleep Schedule

Your body is designed to work on a more natural rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. Your sleep and wake schedule should coincide with your body clock. When you go to bed too late, you get a shorter night’s sleep and end up feeling more tired during the day. This also affects your mood because lack of sleep increases stress hormones.

2. Cut Down on Caffeine

For most people, caffeine will only keep them awake longer since it takes between two to four hours for caffeine to leave the system. In addition, people who consume too much caffeine during the day have a harder time sleeping at night. Because coffee is such a common drink and is usually consumed early in the morning, give yourself enough time for your body to get rid of the caffeine before you go to bed.

3. Exercise

Physical activity can help promote better sleep. Exercise and physical activity are key factors in maintaining good sleep quality and duration. The best time to exercise is early in your day, immediately after waking up. If possible, do some light exercise early in the evening before bedtime. Exercise keeps your mind active and helps you relax more quickly when you go to bed. For instance, if you are working out in the morning and cannot exercise before bedtime, then do it in the afternoon or evening.

4. Purchase an Adjustable Bed

Adjustable beds help with sleep quality by supporting proper body alignment and reducing pain. When your body is aligned correctly, you naturally relax more easily and get better sleep. If you spend most of the day sitting down, an adjustable bed can also help reduce back pain. A good night’s sleep is important for good health, so ensure your mattress provides proper support. You may ask yourself how to hide an adjustable bed frame after you purchase it, but don’t worry about that because you can easily slip it into your standard frame and completely out of sight.

5. Make Your Bedroom Sleep-Friendly

The bedroom is the most important part of your sleep environment. In addition to keeping the room dark and quiet, set the temperature to what you are most comfortable with. Your bedroom should be free from distractions. Make sure all electrical devices are unplugged and set the alarm clock for the best opportunity to sleep and wake up naturally. For example, if you use an alarm clock, set it to go off in 15 minutes rather than five or ten. After the alarm has gone off and you are out of bed, turn the lights back on and relax for another 15 minutes before making yourself a light snack or showering.

6. Use a Sleep Inhaler

A sleep inhaler uses aromatherapy to help improve sleep quality. These inhalers have natural benefits from essential oils like lavender and chamomile that promotes rest and relaxation. The device is small and does not take up much space.

7. Develop Stress-Busting Habits

Letting your mind wander when trying to fall asleep or getting stuck in a bad dream can lead to anxiety and stress, keeping you awake. A list of stress-busters that work wonders includes physical activities like yoga, stretching, or even listening to great music. Limiting caffeine intake and alcohol consumption help, too. Other stress-busters include visualization, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation.

8. Avoid Heavy Meals Before Going to Bed

Heavy meals, especially with sauce and greasy meat, can upset your stomach and distract you from falling asleep. After you eat a heavy meal, it takes time for your body to digest the food. Going to bed without resting can lead to poor sleep quality and digestion. Healthy eating habits will help you get better sleep at night.


Achieving a good night’s rest is very beneficial for your health. Follow the tips that work best for you. If getting a good night’s sleep still eludes you, visit your doctor and ask what you can do to get better quality sleep.

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