Home » Manage Your AC Heating and Cooling Services to Protect Against Heat & Corona Virus

Manage Your AC Heating and Cooling Services to Protect Against Heat & Corona Virus

by Melanie Peterson
We all know how summers this year are going to be completely different from the others, don’t we? The concerning and most sadly happening event this year has been the corona virus outbreak.

What started just from a city in China, has now become a global pandemic which, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) has a few key modes of spreading

  • Droplets originating in the form of cough or sneeze from an infected person and landing on another person located at a distance of less than 3ft
  • Aforementioned droplets settled on surfaces where they have a tendency to survive for long periods of time than in the air. This could range from an infected person’s own hands to the things he has come in contact with, even the door knobs and the electricity switches

While there isn’t a preventive vaccine available, the only key prevention is hygiene and avoidance of contact with the infected – hence the concept of social distancing.

But What About The Summer Fun?

The beaches are likely to be deserted most part of the season, pools and other indoor activity areas are going to be out of bounds too, considering how large gatherings can support the spread of COVID-19 from one person to thousands, in a matter of minutes.

According to a report released by CDC, illnesses like heat strokes and heat exhaustion are common and serious problems caused by unchecked exposure to high temperatures. Young children and the elderly are especially at a greater risk of fatality. Areas with especially high temperatures, even in the United States had 72% of 8,000 deaths (1999 – 2010) reported as a result aforementioned ailments.

That is one reason, why it is imperative that while setting up your residence, you make arrangements for air conditioning products which are reliable in protecting against heat. Only then staying indoors would make more sense. Better still, if you are able install eco-friendly air conditioners that keep the environment clean. Even then, the value of AC heating and cooling service providers must not be undermined for routine maintenance as well as possible repair requirements.

Summer – Covid19 Survival Guide

So this year, we have two issues to find against, the novel corona virus and the summer heat- well the latter we try and protect against every year but with the changing global climatic conditions, we might as well go one step further.

Here’s a few things to remember.

Wash and Sanitize

This is a mandatory measure. WHO has proposed engaging in hand wash for at least 20 sec, followed by a 60% alcohol based sanitizer. We would strongly recommend though, that when you are doing so, please conserve water. Let’s not land in another crises post the novel corona. Dual benefit and protection against the germs that usually take over the body with excessive sweating in the summer heat.

Let’s not limit this sanitization to our bodies alone. Consider the heating and air conditioner units in your homes, which could be home to a lot of harmful bacteria if left unchecked. While we do not have any conclusive scientific proof of air conditioners supporting the spread of this virus, let’s just say precaution is best for prevention.

Amongst the reliable air conditioning repair companies who also manage routine maintenance, Wayne heating & air conditioning is one reliable partner if you are residing in Georgia.
Social distancing

This measure has so far been the most reliable in controlling the community based transmission of the disease. While it is understandable that this requires a drastic shift in one’s social life but imagine the benefits.

  • Lesser risk for yourself and the others around you from contracting the virus through community transmission
  • Your chance to sit back in a cool place in-door, work on your health through diet that keeps you hydrated and an active life with at least light workout
  • More time to spend with family, doing DIY activities and even engaging in sports limited only to your immediate family

In-Take of Immunity Boosting Drinks

Especially if you have citrus fruits available in your region, get hold of them and drink fresh juice for increasing you vitamin C levels, great immunity booster. Even other fresh fruit juices and smoothies, that keep the water level up in your body should be a good way to keep the heat at bay. Not to forget the many other health and beauty benefits they have

We hope you had had already scheduled and done away with your regular annual//bi-annual AC heating and cooling service and maintenance to enjoy this summer in peace.

Home Based Workout

You golden opportunity to get in form and take up a routine of home based work out. From yoga to a walk based exercise, lunges and push-ups to a detailed boxing work out, you have all the options available to you. The internet is full of videos from professional trainers in case you are just a beginner and need some help. A better idea would be to get in touch with a friend’s coach/trainer and use technology with them to guide your way.

Keep the spirits high, make the most of these summers. This too shall pass!

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