Home » How To Put Your WordPress Website On top of the Search Engine Result Page in 2022

How To Put Your WordPress Website On top of the Search Engine Result Page in 2022

by Melanie Peterson

Search engine optimisation, or SEO, is a combination of proven strategies and tactics used to improve websites’ rankings on the search engine result page (SERP). Undoubtedly, SEO is very important for a number of reasons. With a high rank on SERP, websites will generate more traffic, more leads, and eventually increase revenue.

How To Put Your WordPress Website On top of the Search Engine Result Page in 2022

The top 3 links on the SERP nearly get all the clicks. So, if you rank lower than that, competing with other businesses that provide the same services/products will be difficult. In the following article will talk about some of the most practiced SEO strategies that will ultimately get your WordPress site at the top of the SERP.

Mobile-first/responsive design

It is not a new fact that nowadays, people are using their smartphones to surf the internet a lot more than they used to. With the advance in mobile technology and small screen size devices, more than half of all internet traffic is generated on these gadgets. In turn, Google and other search engines have acknowledged that by making major changes in their algorithms to detect these sites and put them in front of the user more often. So, one major WordPress website SEO has a responsive, mobile-friendly website from the get-go.

Another great advantage of mobile-first website design is that it offers a far better user experience which is a significant ranking factor in the eyes of Google and other search engines. If your website is not mobile-friendly, you can search “affordable SEO services Melbourne” or affordable SEO services near me to find the best company that can help you with your WordPress website SEO problems.

Content is king

All your effort and WordPress website SEO tactics will only matter if you generate and post valuable, high-quality content on your blog. Your content must be top-notch without grammatical or semantic errors and not unique. You should always focus on what your readers what and ask yourself if your content will answer their questions or solve their problems. Don’t go overboard with repeating your keywords because the reader will notice that in a hard beat. Besides, Google algorithms are now smarter and extremely allergic to keyword stuffing.

Quality backlinks

Probably the most critical SEO strategy is getting quality backlinks as much as you can. WordPress website SEO is no exception. In order to get your WordPress website to stand tall in the SERP, you need to design a link-building campaign and stick to it as long as your website is online and active. There are lots of ways to get backlinks. You can contact relevant websites and offer link exchange, guest posting, and share your links on different social media platforms, but one of the best passive ways to generate backlinks is to post absolute knockout articles on your own blog. If you can do that, then in time, other websites will find your content worthy to link back to.

You should also have a steady internal linking process. Making a web connection between your pages will make crawlers go from page to page and index every single one of them. It will drive more website traffic and increase dwell time.

Image optimisation

Other factors that will enormously affect your rankings on the SERP are the images of your WordPress website. Google pays close attention to the ALT text of the images on your website. So it is always in your best interest if make the images of your WordPress website SEO friendly. ALT text is important because Google displays the images with their accompanying ALT text. Also, screen readers read the ALT text for visually impaired users. Also, optimising the size of your WordPress website is a crucial aspect that will increase your page speed.

Short URLs

You can have a long post title as it’s fine and understandable, but having long and lengthy URLs is not a good SEO practice and will affect your WordPress website SEO outcome. You can use the short version of your title in the post permalinks and avoid this SEO problem.

The general rule of thumb is to use about 10 to 15 words; however, going above that is not recommended. Long URLs are hard to remember and will leave a bad first impression on your visitors.

Broken links

I’m sure you have seen a lot of 404 error pages in your life. They are pretty disappointing and will make us regret we clicked. As a website owner that wants to increase traffic and keep clients happy, that’s not the way to go about it. Also, broken links let Google know that you’re not working on the site regularly or you don’t know how to maintain your website.

Over time, broken links will increase the bounce rate by a big margin, affect user experience, and decrease your rankings on SERP. Google will stop recommending you to users because you proved that you couldn’t keep them satisfied and offer them a good experience on your WordPress website. There are a lot of WordPress website SEO plugins that can look through your links to detect the broken ones for you.


The above strategies are but a few of many WordPress website SEO techniques you can use to get your website at the top of the SERP. We tried covering the most important SEO tactics such as responsive design, content creation, link building and so on. even though they are pretty straightforward, implementing them might require some advanced knowledge and expertise on the subject matter. Google uses over 200 different ranking Guidelines to determine your WordPress website on the search engine result pages. With the correct SEO practice, you can influence most of these Guidelines to your benefit. Keep in mind that the days of tricking Google and other search engines are long gone, so avoid black hat SEO at all cost.

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