Home » Global CTB Review: A Truly Worth Broker Or Not?

Global CTB Review: A Truly Worth Broker Or Not?

by Melanie Peterson

There is hardly anyone in the world who may not be aware of crypto trading and its benefits. Bitcoin, which became the world’s first digital currency, laid down the foundation of a new industry of trading. Currently, the global financial world regards crypto trading as the unstoppable force that has the power of eliminating all hurdles within its path. Crypto trading is now like a pudding of which everyone wants their piece of share. But only trading platforms are capable of taking a person close to the pudding and one such platform is Global CTB. 

With this Global CTB Review we would unearth whether this platform is a unique platform or it is making false claims. 

A Licensed Platform or Not?

Crypto trading involves buying and selling of unique assets which are mostly decentralized. There are only a couple of cryptocurrencies which are centralized while the majority consists of decentralized currencies. Because of them being decentralized, normally the brokers offering trade services in cryptocurrencies are also decentralized brokers. Decentralized is good if it is limited to the tradable assets, however, it becomes risky when brokers too are decentralized. Resultantly, an investor’s money is not safe, it is vulnerable to risks and could be lost to fraud. 

Global CTB however is a legally licensed trading platform which is carrying out business for years lawfully. So first of all an investor’s money is safe and in the situation of any mishap, the broker can be held accountable. License of doing business was necessary for Global CTB because it offers trading in decentralized as well as regulated assets as well. For instance, forex trading and the trading of CFDs are also going on for years at Global CTB. Both are purely regulated activities and therefore requires obtaining of license by the service provider. 

Is There Any Diversification in Crypto Trading?

Bitcoin is currently is the pioneer digital currency in the world. Bitcoin is the single asset of digital industry which enjoys highest investment coming in globally. However, crypto trading does not end at Bitcoin but in fact it starts from Bitcoin. Bitcoin is an exorbitantly valued digital asset and resultantly only rich people are investing monies in it. But crypto industry has trading opportunities for the average and poor people as well. They can make maximum profits out of their trades which could be as good as Bitcoin trading. 

All the most lucrative crypto trading opportunities you can easily find at Global CTB. So even if you are ignoring Bitcoin, Ethereum and even Liteco in then you will have plenty of lucrative digital currencies for trading. For instance, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Monero, Solana, NEO and Dash are some of the interesting choices for crypto trading. Luckily, Global CTB will provide you with the option of crypto trading in these alternate digital currencies to highly valued cryptocurrencies. 

Does it Require Opening of An Account?

Of course it does. In fact, trade account ownership is must without which online trading cannot in fact takes place. It is like that you go to a conventional trading market i.e. a stock exchange and open a trade account. Exchange’s account will let you trade and keep and take out the proceedings from the account. An account provided by a crypto broker firm is almost the same. The only difference between the two however is that a funding, called “initial deposit”, is required to be deposited in the account. 

Sending this initial deposit in the account shows the clear intention of the trader that he is serious about trading. At the same time, fulfilling the requirement of initial deposit earns the trader membership of its. Of course you can get your registration done with Global CTB if you can fund the initial deposit and interested in crypto trading. The platform of Global CTB is here to serve everyone without even getting into unnecessary background checks. 


Global CTB is your way into the global trade markets even if you know or not aware of trading. With the tools of Global CTB on the one side and its services on the other, you too can make serious earnings.

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