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Benefits of Dentures Over Implants

by Melanie Peterson

What Are Overdentures?

Dentures are a standard restorative method used in cosmetic dentistry. They’re usually complete or partial, depending on the patient’s circumstance. However, dentures are removable, and sometimes that can present a bit of a nuisance. Many patients struggle with their dentures slipping or loosening when they talk, sneeze, or laugh. But, every problem has a solution.

Overdentures, or implant-supported dentures, as they’re also called, are designed to stay in place. By being attached to your implants, overdentures are guaranteed to stay securely in their place. That allows you to do all types of activities comfortably, without worrying about your dentures. Also, feel free to head to this link if you’re interested in getting overdentures and happen to reside in the Chicago area.

Benefits of Dentures Over Implants

If you want to learn more about different types of overdentures and their benefits, stick around.

Benefits of Overdentures

There are many benefits that overdentures can offer. Here are some of them.

Natural-Looking and Comfortable to Wear

Implant overdentures are surprisingly comfortable, compared to traditional dentures. They’re attached to your implants, so you will not have to worry about them being ill-fitting. Also, all other drawbacks that come with traditional dentures, such as problems when talking, can also be swiftly avoided. Not to mention they are very natural-looking and look indistinguishable from natural teeth.

No Problems Eating

Eating problems, as well as malnutrition, can be a real concern for people who are missing the majority of their teeth. Dentures can sometimes get in the way when eating. That can lead to people not enjoying their food like they used to, which can lead to malnutrition and worsening health.

Overdentures can be a solution to these problems. Many patients report not experiencing eating problems as often since getting overdentures. Many people also talk about being able to eat a wider array of foods than before.

Better Jaw Health, Functions, and Aesthetics

The more teeth you’re missing, the more your jaw changes shape. This can result in a sunken-looking mouth, and it can happen even if you’re wearing dentures. However, overdentures are a solution to this problem. With overdentures, bone loss can be prevented, due to the implants being directly attached to the jawbone.

Easy Maintenance

Another great thing about overdentures is easy maintenance. Caring for tooth-supported overdentures isn’t that much different than taking care of your natural teeth. It only takes a few steps, and can easily be incorporated into your routine.

Firstly, make sure to brush your overdentures after every meal you have – gently. Alternatively, you can simply brush them twice a day. That should include wiping and flossing them.

You should also take proper care of your gums and tongue by brushing them regularly. Do not forget to clean your dentures using a soft toothbrush each day. Some dentists also advise using mouthwash.

Lastly, remove your dentures before you go to sleep. In addition, make sure to soak them in a denture solution. Water should do just fine as well though.


Overdentures aren’t just a temporary solution. If taken care of properly, your dentures will last you up to 10 years, and your dental implants can last you up to 5. The only thing you have to do is maintain good oral hygiene and have regular dental exams.

Types of Overdentures

Now that you’re up-to-date with all the benefits overdentures have to offer, we need to go over the different types of overdentures.

Implant-Supported Overdentures

Implant-supported overdentures utilize implants screwed into the jawbone. There are typically 4 to 6 implants, and they can assist by preventing further deterioration of your bone. They can also improve stability and aesthetics.

This type of overdenture is usually done with two surgical procedures. The first is about placing the implant into the jawbone, while the second uncovers the implant in order for a custom prosthetic to be made. This type of overdenture is removable, and patients can simply take their dentures out before going to bed.

Fixed Implant-Supported Overdenture

This type of overdenture isn’t removable, and that’s what sets it apart from a typical overdenture. Everything else is pretty much the same, except for the fact that this type of denture is fixed in place by screws and therefore can’t be removed by the wearer. You can only get it removed at a dentist’s office. This option has its drawbacks since it’s problematic to clean, and it’s also more expensive than a typical overdenture.

Ball Retained Implant-Supported Overdentures

This type of overdenture is a great choice for the mandibular arch since there are typically 2 or 4 implants inserted into the lower jawbone. The namesake comes from the fact that, with this type of overdenture, the abutment that goes from the implant to the denture is in the shape of a ball. This type of overdenture is known for its qualities in stability and functionality. Plus, it’s the easiest to clean and simple to get replacement parts for.

Bar Retained Implant-Supported Overdentures

As the name implies, this type of denture has a bar that is attached to the implants, to which the dentures can be attached. That allows for the denture to be clipped on and off, which provides more security than a traditional type of denture. It’s good functionality-wise and easy to remove. And, you’ll only need to remove it for cleaning and when going to sleep.

Partial Overdenture

A partial overdenture is a stellar choice for patients who only have a couple of teeth missing. Just like full dentures, partial ones are also removable. The way a partial overdenture operates is very similar to the way a complete one does. Here, there are also implants that replace the tooth roots. And, then the partial dentures are clipped onto the implants.

A partial overdenture has a more natural-looking appearance in comparison to the usual partial denture. However, just like the traditional partial denture, it still has its drawbacks. Mainly, it’s the fact that partial dentures can often put pressure on the neighboring natural teeth. However, it’s still a great option for many patients.

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