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Basic Interview Etiquettes and Tips to Take Care of

by Melanie Peterson

Interviews have shifted from offline to online due to the ongoing pandemic circumstances. However, the situation might soon get resolved and require interviewees to become prepared for face-to-face rounds.

Moreover, most companies conduct interviews in few rounds, and the interviewers always notice the basic etiquette followed by the interviewee. Therefore, it has become a common practice for online interviews for the time being.

5 Important Interview Etiquettes and Tips

● Body Language

Whether you believe it or not, interviewers will assume a lot from your body language. Therefore, if you are sitting with your legs and arms crossed, the interviewer will assume that you are closed-off or defensive. Additionally, it is also assumed a signal for lack of self-confidence.

Moreover, it is more polite to stand up and greet a person during an offline interview. However, it is best to stay seated during an online interviewer and provide a neck-length shot. A best practice would incorporate practicing seating positions during your spare time.

● Dress Accordingly

The emphasis on dressing sense is always laid by interviewers, managers, partners, and founders. Before going for an interview, always check the office attire by checking the company website. Often, most companies adapt to a four-day formal and one-day informal policy.

Moreover, the recruiter would often mention a dressing attire, i.e., formal for an online and offline interview. So, make sure to stay properly ready with the clothes. Besides this, always avoid anything that might draw the attention of the interviewer from your responses. These could include excessive perfume, dangling earrings, clanking bracelets, etc.

● Research the Organization

Although you might have already gone through the company before applying for a job, a second look before the interview won’t hurt. Additionally, it would also clear doubts related to the organization and might help to provide better responses during the face-to-face rounds.

Additionally, do review the job responsibilities before going for an interview because the interviewer might ask questions. Besides this, during the round, there is a high possibility of mentioning the company’s contribution based on past experiences. So, stay prepared!

● Create FAQ’s

An interviewer may take a keen interest in details mentioned in the resume before making a hiring decision. So, another best practice would involve creating a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and doing a mock round.

Moreover, if you can prepare to do a mock interview by looking in the mirror, ask a friend. Besides this option, you can even hire an online trainer to become more self-confident and attain knowledge about FAQ. Freshers can receive more positive hiring responses through this method.

● Make a Proper Exit

Many times, interviews happen during lunch hours. It means the interviewer has taken time off from lunch to make your hiring decision. Besides this, a recruiter always conducts multiple interviews in a day.

Therefore, a proper exit is as important as a welcome handshake. So, thank the interviewer in person and through an email, even if you didn’t clear the round. By doing so, you would show proper etiquette and increase chances of hiring in the future. Or you can enroll for the interview preparation course.

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