Home » Signs of Failed Dental Bone Graft

Signs of Failed Dental Bone Graft

by Maria Berg

Signs of Failed Dental Bone Graft

After tooth extraction, having a bone graft procedure might be necessary to ensure the implant stays in place. Bone graft teeth will look like natural teeth after the procedure is done, however it is good to know how to spot symptoms of infection after dental bone graft. But do you know how to spot signs of infection after a dental bone graft.

You can check out the link here to learn more about restorative dentistry, and we will cover all you need to know about bone grafts. It is essential to spot signs of the condition as early as possible so you can address the problem before it progresses and damages your health even further.

Signs of Failed Dental Bone Graft

What Is Bone Grafting?

Let’s start by talking about bone grafting. What is it? And why do people use it? Getting a dental implant for the missing tooth is a standard procedure. Dental implants are designed to accommodate tooth loss, and the process involves placing a screw directly into the jaw. Then, the dentist will make a tooth that looks like a natural one and place it on the screw.

In some cases, bone loss will follow tooth extraction, and there won’t be enough bone to place the screw on. In such cases, the only solution is bone grafting. In short, it is a way to replace or rebuild the missing bone, making the procedure simpler. Once the healing process is over, the patient will be able to get the dental implant.

How Does it Work?

The loss of bone means that placing an impact will be impossible. But grafting is one way to solve the problem. Once the grafting material is placed, it will act as a scaffold, helping your body heal. The bone graft will only serve to provide structure and stimulate the bone healing process, though. Your body will still need to do the majority of the work, and the bone tissue will cover the graft after a couple of weeks.

Bone graft surgery is quite common, and it can be performed by an oral surgeon or dentist. It also has a high success rate, and getting dental implants is one of many reasons to undergo this procedure.

Types of Grafting

The next thing we should discuss is the types of grafting that you might encounter. Each option has its own purpose, and it will be used based on the specific situation.

Bone graft material can come from your own body, and in this case, it is referred to as autogenous graft. Furthermore, you can get the material from the tissue bank or allograft. But at the same time, it is possible to use animal tissue banks as well, also known as xenografts. And as with many other things in medicine, the tissue or bone can be synthetic, in which case it is called alloplast.

But there are also various types of these grafts based on the purpose. The first one is used for socket preservation, and it is used after the extraction. The idea behind it is to ensure that the edges of the gum socket don’t cave in once the tooth is removed. If the tooth has removed for a while, it increases the chance that the jaw bone becoming thinner. Ridge augmentation is used to add volume to the bone and ensure that it creates a strong foundation for future implants.

In cases where molars are missing, it is possible for sinuses to drop down. A sinus lift might be necessary since placing an implant could rupture the Schneiderian membrane. Finally, periodontitis or gum disease can deteriorate bone in the jaw, and replacing it will be necessary for the implant to stay in place.

Signs That Something Is Happening

Naturally, there is a chance that something will go wrong during the process. And while the chances are slim, you should still keep an eye on some possible symptoms. Noticing signs of failed dental bone graft is usually simple, and you’ll be able to address the condition as soon as you notice it.

The first sign of something going wrong with the graft is pain. If you notice severe pain in the place of the bone graft, it is a clear sign that the procedure is not going as intended. Furthermore, the entire area might swell, and pus can appear around the site. Finally, having a fever is usually a sign of infection, which is another reason to talk to your dentist as soon as possible.

These signs are not as common, and you should go to an emergency dentist if you spot any of these symptoms. The healing process after oral surgery can take time, and it is perfectly normal to feel discomfort or slight pain. But after a couple of days, all of it should be gone.

What to Do?

Whether you plan on having dental surgery, implants, or bone grafting, it is essential to properly prepare for the procedure. Your dentist will be able to provide all the necessary info and ensure that you do what is in your power to prevent infection and complications. Since bone grafting takes time, you will need to wait until your jaw has fully healed before you proceed to get implants.

As for the side effects and graft failure, the only thing you can do is pay attention to symptoms and react as soon as you notice that something is happening. One way you can prevent this is by having regular visits to the dentist since they will be able to determine whether the jaw is healing as intended.

And if you notice any signs of graft failure, you will need to go to the dentist as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

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