Home » Class 12 Economics Syllabus and How to Finish it Before Exams?

Class 12 Economics Syllabus and How to Finish it Before Exams?

by Melanie Peterson

Are you already distressed about completing the vast Economics syllabus of class 12? Don’t worry. Economics is not a difficult subject completely. But some topics are new and technical, which can make you nervous. Another fact that CBSE has changed the type of questions in Economics exams also adds to the confusion in students.

In this article, we have discussed the Class 12 Economics Syllabus overview to help you understand it better. We have also shared the strategy and study tips you should follow for the Economics subject. Our tips will help you cover the important things of the syllabus and score 90+ in the Economics exam. If you do not have a copy of the Class 12 Eco Syllabus, download the PDF from VSI Jaipur from here.

VSI Jaipur is the best institute for commerce students. Not only do you get study resources for class 12 Economics, but you can start preparing for the professional courses after 12th like CA, CS, or CMA. Moreover, VSI Jaipur provides individual guidance to students, so you can easily manage your class 12th studies and higher-level course exams.

Study Class 12 Economics Syllabus with VSI Jaipur

You can learn the topics with the help of VSI Jaipur online videos available on their YouTube channel. Sample papers and old question papers are necessary for practice. So you can get them all directly from the VSI Jaipur website. They have the complete set of papers arranged for you in free downloadable PDF files.

What’s more for you at VSI Jaipur? Head over to VSI Jaipur online blog. You will find a ton of life-transforming tips for your studies. Class 12th can become a very stressful phase for students, especially when everything in the education world has shifted online. The tips on the VSI blog will motivate you and help channelize your energies and mind in the right direction. So sort out your schedule and have a stress-free learning experience with VSI.

Overview of Class 12 Economics Syllabus

Part A: Macroeconomics Overview

The Part A of the CBSE 12 Economics Syllabus is divided into five units; here is an overview of the same.

Unit 1: National Income and Related Aggregates

The first unit of macroeconomics is very important. It will be 12 marks in the upcoming exams. Most students find unit 1 difficult, but you have nothing to worry about if you have your concepts clear. Most parts of it are practical while some part is theory. Which items included/excluded from National Income topic properly; it can be confusing. GDP & Welfare is a favourite of the examiners. Methods of calculating National Income is the part where you have to focus more.

Unit 2: Money and Banking

The second unit is very easy. There is a topic called Functions of Central Bank in unit 2. Most of the big questions are not asked of it. The sub-topics are framed as questions. So read them well. Credit creation by Commercial Banks topic can be asked in long questions, so understand the process thoroughly.

Unit 3: Determination of Income and Employment

The third unit is the actual part of the Class 12 Economics Syllabus, where you will study Macroeconomics. It is one of the difficult units of Macroeconomics. It has theory, concepts, practical, everything. If you want to learn Macroeconomics by heart, unit 3 is the crust of it. Dwell all the graphs and chart for easy understanding.

Unit 4: Government Budget and the Economy

It is a small unit in CBSE class 12 Economic syllabus. Revenue Budget and Capital Budget cover almost 80% of the unit. The frequency of numerical questions from unit 4 is once in 2-3 years.

Unit 5: Balance of Payments

According to the marking scheme, the chapter has less weightage. But you should focus on its concepts. Tough questions come from the BOP unit.

Part B: Indian Economic Development Overview

The Part B of Economics class 12 Syllabus is divided into three units; here is an overview of the same.

Unit 1: Economic Experience of India

It is a little bit of history. You will study the economic conditions of India during and after Independence. The unit is divided into three parts:

  • On the eve of Independence,
  • Indian Economy1950-1991
  • Economic Reforms

Unit 2: Current Challenges of Indian Economy

You will study the six major challenges of the Indian economy, i.e., Poverty, Human capital formation, Rural Development, Employment, Infrastructure, Sustainable Development. Out of these six topics, Rural Development and infrastructure are the biggest chapters. The basics are similar to what you have read in class 9th-10th. But here in 12th, the Economics challenges are discussed in more detail. It is the biggest unit of Class 12 Economics Syllabus Part B.

Unit 3: Development Experience of India

The unit talks about the economic development of India in comparison with neighbouring countries. The two of which discussed are China & Pakistan. Mainly questions related to India and China come in the CBSE Board Exam.

Strategy to Study the Class 12 Economics Syllabus

Economics Class 12 subject is very vast. Last year, students got the leverage of 30% of the deleted syllabus of Economics Class 12. But in the current year, you do not have the same advantage. With this in mind, it is better to have a study strategy before you start your studies. A clear method will help you complete the syllabus before the exams.

Decide Books

Firstly, decide the books you will study. CBSE board suggests Class 12 Economics syllabus NCERT books. So buy the NCERT books. You can also download e-books from VSI Jaipur.

Select What to Study First

Secondly, decide which part of the syllabus you should start first? For example, should you study Macroeconomics or Indian Economic Development? Start either of them or both. Just make sure you complete one unit at a time.

Divide which chapters you will study first. We recommend following the order of the syllabus. An important thing students neglect is reading the syllabus like a storyline. For example, the Indian Economic Development part will be easy and exciting if you read it like a story plot.

Allot Time for Economics Studies

Thirdly, decide how many hours you want to dedicate to Economics in a day. Planning how you will study the Class 12 Economics Syllabus will keep you away from the stress. At least give 1-2 hours a day for regular studies of Economics syllabus.

Select Your Tutors

Finally, decide from whom you want to study. Are you satisfied with the school classes? Do you need better guidance for important topics? Or do you want to study the complete CBSE Class 12 Eco Syllabus from some other teacher?

As mentioned above, you can visit the VSI Jaipur YouTube channel for some important topics. After that, you won’t need any more classes. But if you still want, you can enroll in other coaching classes.

Important Tips for Reading Class 12 Economics Syllabus

Point often overlooked by the students is the right method to study topics. Just understanding the concepts does not mean you have finished the Economics syllabus before exams. So follow the Economics study tips given below and make your learning easy.

LEARN CURRENT AFFAIRS & STATISTICS: It is important to realize only book material is not enough if you aim for a 90+ score. Questions from current affairs are the new favourites of CBSE examiners. You will be on track if you study all the current affairs related to the Indian economy or anything that has caused a major impact on the Indian economy in the first place. Statistics have a major role in Part B of the CBSE Class 12 Economics Syllabus. So learn the latest statistics of important topics.

SAMPLE PAPERS FOR LATEST QUESTION PATTERN: Another important point is that the level of CBSE papers has changed. CBSE wants to prepare students for the professional level of exams. With this in mind, you need to check the latest sample paper and see the new types of questions. Case studies, current affairs, assertion and reason questions are some of the most popular types of questions. Visit VSI Jaipur to check out the sample papers by yourself.

REVISE REGULARLY: Revisions should be a part of your schedule undoubtedly. When the exams are near, the topics you read months ago won’t look new to you.

GRAPHS IN MACROECONOMICS: You will find many graphs in Macroeconomics similar to the graphs in Class 11 Microeconomics. The graphs are very important for your exams, so practice them well.


Don’t stress; take it easy because CBSE 12 Economics Syllabus is not hard. All you need to do is understand what to study and how to study. We have shared the syllabus overview, which needs to study and strategy + tips for how to study the syllabus efficiently. Use the information shared here if you want to score high marks. Also, do not forget to visit the VSI Jaipur website for more study material and a complete syllabus.

Also read: 6 Reasons Why it is Good to Start Preparing Early 

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