Home » 9 Hidden Signs You Might be Suffering from Sleep Apnea

9 Hidden Signs You Might be Suffering from Sleep Apnea

by Maria Berg

The warning signs of sleep apnea are a variety of symptoms that can occur during sleep. Some people have intermittent or chronic symptoms, while others only experience occasional episodes. Knowing the sleep apnea symptoms is essential to diagnose the condition properly. Individuals may also show unusual signs, such as waking up multiple times a night to urinate or drink water. Luckily, there are some easy ways to recognize if you or a partner may be suffering from this condition.

While most people with sleep apnea are older men, women, and children can also be affected by this sleep disorder. While genetics and lifestyle factors are also responsible for sleep apnea, people with jaw joint disorders may also suffer from sleep apnea. People with sleep apnea can also experience excessive daytime sleepiness, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating. Get medical treatment immediately if you suspect that you or a loved one are experiencing these sleep apnea symptoms.

Read along to learn the top 9 hidden signs of sleep apnea:

1. Snorting

Snoring is a common sign that you may be suffering from Sleep Apnea. It is a severe condition that causes you to stop breathing multiple times an hour. This causes poor sleep quality, which leads to daytime sleepiness, headaches, and other health problems. If you’re concerned that you might suffer from this sleep disorder, you should seek sleep apnea treatment in Utah from a reliable and well-experienced sleep apnea doctor. Don’t delay, as an undiagnosed condition can lead to an increased risk of workplace accidents and motor vehicle accidents.

2. Gasping

A doctor should be consulted if you consistently wake up gasping for air. You might be experiencing obstructive sleep apnea, a condition in which the throat muscles relax and block the airway. When this occurs, excess fluid collects in the lungs, causing difficulty breathing and a feeling of suffocation. Thankfully, this sleep disorder is treatable. Many sufferers experience panic attacks, so a doctor should examine them and prescribe medication to control sleep apnea symptoms.

3. Snoring

Snoring is one of the most common warning signs of sleep apnea, primarily affecting obese people. This disorder causes pauses in breathing, which causes the heart to work harder than it should. It may not seem harmful, but it can lead to various severe health conditions. There are many causes for snoring, including allergies or a clogged throat. However, when the snoring continues throughout the night, it’s advisable to immediately get an affordable sleep apnea treatment in Utah.

4. Shallow Breathing

Shallow breathing is one of the common sleep apnea symptoms, which disrupts your sleep by causing pauses in breathing. These pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes. They can also be accompanied by loud snorts and choking. This disorder can lead to poor sleep, daytime sleepiness, and chronic fatigue. If you occasionally suffer from shallow breathing, you should visit a sleep apnea doctor to learn more about the signs of sleep apnea and seek reliable treatment.

5. Dry Mouth

If you notice that your mouth is consistently dry in the morning, you may be suffering from sleep apnea. This condition is not uncommon among adults and can be a common side effect of certain medications. It is recommended to visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis. While dry mouth is standard among patients with sleep apnea, several other causes exist. Some people experience dry mouth because they are dehydrated. It’s better to visit a sleep apnea clinic for more details.

6. Dry Throat

People with sleep apnea often have a sore throat and dry mouth upon waking. A dry mouth and throat may also be caused by acid reflux or an upper respiratory infection. Another common cause of dry throat is a CPAP machine, but it can also be a symptom of sleep apnea. People with this disorder tend to sleep with their mouth open, which can dry their throats. This can lead to a sore throat the next day. You should see a doctor determine if you are suffering from sleep apnea.

7. Multiple Times Urinating at Night

Urinating multiple times at night, also known as nocturia, affects the sleep cycle and can be one of the most exhausting sleep apnea symptoms. Nocturia has many causes, including bladder infection, recurrent urinary tract infection, and interstitial cystitis. All of these conditions can disrupt the sleep cycle and interfere with your quality of sleep. You can also experience fatigue during the day due to frequent urination.

8. Hyperactivity

If you are often tired throughout the day, irritable, or have a headache, you may suffer from sleep apnea. This disorder is related to sleep deprivation and can lead to hyperactivity. However, a patient is not always aware of the consequences of not getting enough sleep, which can lead to frustration and other problems. It’s advisable to visit your family doctor and seek the best-suited sleep apnea treatment in Utah.

9. Lack of Focus

People who suffer from sleep apnea may also have difficulty focusing while awake. This can be problematic for people who are working with machinery or driving. For these reasons, it is vital to have a sleep study performed by a professional doctor. Sleep apnea detection is difficult, but your doctor may help you identify the signs and symptoms. If needed, go for a reliable and proven sleep apnea treatment in Utah to eliminate this sleep disorder.

Causes of Sleep Apnea

The risk of sleep apnea is higher in men than in women; if you’re overweight, you’re more likely to develop this sleep disorder. Those with sleep apnea tend to have higher blood pressure and are at increased risk of arrhythmias and heart failure. They may also have certain genetic conditions that make it harder for the brain to control breathing while sleeping. Smoking, alcohol, and opioid use can also affect the brain’s ability to regulate breathing during sleep.

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

There are many treatments available for sleep apnea. Some of them are surgical, and some are lifestyle changes. Some people may need to quit alcohol and smoking, or they may need to undergo nasal allergy treatment. Other types of treatment are available, but they mainly depend on the severity of the sleep apnea condition. A sleep doctor can help you determine the underlying problem, causes, and signs of sleep apnea and provide the best-suited sleep apnea treatment in Utah.


Sleep apnea is a severe condition affecting people of all ages and genders. While it is often overlooked, it can lead to serious health problems, making it essential to consult with a physician as soon as possible. Fortunately, severalsleep apnea symptoms can help you detect this sleep disorder and get the proper sleep apnea treatment in Utah. Treatments for sleep apnea can include controlling risk factors and reducing the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

You can even reduce sleep apnea symptoms by making lifestyle changes. For example, losing weight, quitting smoking, or getting more exercise may help you breathe better at night. People suffering from this condition should consider maintaining a healthy weight and staying active. Those affected by sleep apnea can access support groups and find resources to help manage the situation. Visit your sleep doctor to know more about sleep apnea and how it can be treated.

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