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5 Natural Remedies to Control Drug Addiction

by Melanie Peterson

Addiction is termed a disease or an affliction by medical experts, crediting it to chemical imbalances in the brain. While modern medicine has a cure for that, even the best psychiatrists have been unable to develop willpower. That is a thing that relies solely on an individual.

The urge to use when on the journey of sobriety is strong, and even the strongest willpower often buckle under it in extreme situations. Rehab therapy is an essential aspect of treating such symptoms of a possible relapse. However, it’s not convenient or practical to go running for rehab at the slightest sign of things going south.

In situations like these, there are some habits that you can form that can help you get your mind off them. Here are some natural, tested remedies that you can adopt that are practical and will not be financially taxing.

1. Being amongst your people

Stress/anxiety is the last thing you need to have as a recovering addict in times like these. For most, these things get you in the world of drugs as an escape from reality. One of the best ways of staying happy is being among YOUR people, people with whom you resonate. So you need to be surrounded by positivity and have people who support you.

As a recovering addict, there’s a high chance that you might find your closest friends at drug rehab therapy. Going through recovery together is one bond that keeps many together, and joining rehab might get you the help and company you’ll need to overcome this.

2. Clearing your head

Getting rid of addiction is more than just flushing your system out of drugs. The conflict is more prevalent in the head, where you try to heal factors that instill substance dependency. Keeping a clear head is essential for overcoming this challenge. You can fit many activities into your day to keep your mind off drugs and on positive things.

Gardening is a free yet highly effective therapeutic activity in keeping your mind clear. Surrounded by greenery while working on your plants, you take solace in the little things and come to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. The clean atmosphere with a fresh oxygen supply is also an excellent stimulus for clear thinking.

Adopting a pet is another way of keeping a calm, clear head. Studies have shown that stress levels automatically reduce with a pet by your side, such as a dog. However, with the responsibility of another life upon your shoulders, recovering addicts often find reasons to stay sober.

Music and arts are other effective ways of therapy. It’s an excellent way of channeling pent-up feelings and calms the nerves quite effectively. Meditating with these is one of the best ways of keeping mentally active.

3. Exercise

‘An empty mind is the devil’s workshop’ is quite an apt statement in this scenario. Studies have shown that idle patients tend to get agitated quickly, and they are more likely to relapse and spiral back to their old habits. Therefore, it’s essential to bring some structure into their daily routines.

Exercise is the best way to stimulate the mind and the body. However, this does not mean that you must necessarily hit the gym. You can simply take a walk in the neighborhood, go running, or practice yoga. As a recovering addict, not only is the workout good for your health after all the substances in your body, but it also releases endorphins that give you a high.  As part of a structured day, getting this task out of the way as early as possible will keep you motivated.

4. Diet

Taking care of your diet on this journey is also one of the most important things you must do to stay stress-free and healthy. The use of substances certainly has some detrimental effects that take time to recover from, especially in the liver and kidneys. You certainly are what you eat, making it important to tailor your intake to speed up this recovery.

Omega 3 is one essential part of our diet. It is a fatty acid that helps in better nervous communication. Studies have shown that it is an effective tool against anxiety and depression as it is an effective mood stabilizer.

Vitamin B complex is also another key nutrient. Forms of vitamin B exist mainly in the brain that help regulate memory and thought processes. They also aid in producing chemicals that help get sleep and lower anxiety.

Amino acids are a vital part of metabolic processes as they essentially transport and store nutrients. Taking supplements in this situation can help regulate your metabolic process after getting affected by drug use, and it also plays a vital part in restoring brain chemistry.

5. Natural Supplements

Recovering addicts often have medicines prescribed to them to help regulate and restore their bodily functions. But a few natural herbs can help in this regard rather than pharmaceutical drugs to keep your system intact.

For one, Kudzu is a Chinese plant whose extract consumption has been shown to control alcohol cravings. As a recovering alcoholic, herbal tea from the Kudzu plant extract can wonder for your recovery journey.

Plants such as Ginseng and Rhodiola are that adrenal support function. One of the withdrawal symptoms of drugs is high amounts of stress that cause adrenal burnout. Intake of these plant extracts can certainly curb that burnout, and it’ll be pretty effective in managing that high level of stress.

If you’re looking for something that’ll nib the evil in the bud, i.e., treat stress. Lemon balm or a passionflower effectively encourages better sleep, reduces stress, and soothes the nervous system.


Battling addiction is all about keeping the mind calm and occupied. While there are pharmaceutical solutions, it’s important to allow nature to take its course on the road to recovery. Adopting habits like exercise can certainly help you reach that goal, along with physical fitness. So it’s essential to be around a supportive lot around you, an effective diet including natural remedies and healthy hobbies in your day. These habits are cost-effective but pay priceless dividends in the long run.

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