Home » Things You Should Know About Sudden Tooth Sensitivity

Things You Should Know About Sudden Tooth Sensitivity

by Melanie Peterson

If you are wondering what causes sudden tooth sensitivity, there are a couple of things you need to know. 

If you are experiencing a tooth emergency, you will need to address the problem as soon as possible. Here are all the things you need to know about sudden pain, what it might mean, and when the time to seek emergency dental care is. 

What Is Sudden Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is not unheard of. In fact, most of us have felt it at least once. But we are talking about situations when tooth pain occurs without apparent reason. But even though we cannot pinpoint the culprit, there is always a reason for any type of pain.

Naturally, sensitivity can be caused by obvious things such as chipped teeth or trauma to the head or jaw. But that is something you probably know already. In this article, we will go through some other causes of tooth sensitivity and pain and see what you can do about it should it occur. 

How to Recognize Tooth Sensitivity?

The first thing to be on the lookout for is pain with no apparent cause. It can happen while brushing your teeth, eating, drinking, etc. Of course, there is always a chance that you experienced slight trauma or sustained minor physical injuries that you did not even notice. But if the pain appears out of the blue, that should be your first sign of tooth sensitivity.

We should also mention that sudden pain in your tooth is not the only thing that should worry you. If you experience pain in the gums, it can also be a sign of a deeper, more serious condition that you should address. It also means that it might be smart to schedule an appointment with your dentist as well. 

What Are the Causes?

Now that we’ve covered the basics, we should take a look at the reasons why you might experience sudden tooth pain. 

One of the first reasons for pain is if the tooth enamel gets exposed. Dentin or even nerves in the tooth can get exposed, which can cause an unpleasant feeling. Of course, it is more likely to happen with a broken tooth. 

Similarly, gum recession is another reason for sensitive parts of teeth to become vulnerable. Recession can happen for many reasons. It can be caused by brushing, improper dental products, age, or even eating. In this scenario, the gum line will recede and expose roots that are quite vulnerable and sensitive. 

There have been a couple of studies suggesting that twelve percent of people suffer from some sort of dentin hypersensitivity, which just shows how common it is to feel discomfort while chewing. Naturally, the condition can be a result of a bad diet, poor oral health, and even from using mouthwash too much. 

The Most Common Culprit

However, the most common cause is probably tooth decay. Cavities, to be precise, are the most obvious problem, and there are numerous dental procedures that can help solve them. 

As you probably know, cavities are not something that you can fix on your own, and you will need to visit a dentist. If you locate the problem early, fixing the problematic tooth won’t take too long. Usually, the dentist will use a filling or placement, and you’ll feel good in no time. 

The same thing applies to cracked teeth as well, except that the problem is more obvious if you have cracked teeth. Unlike cavities, cracks are easier to spot, and you will probably feel them in your mouth as soon as they appear. 

Finally, we should mention that if you are grinding your teeth at night, it can also damage them, resulting in teeth sensitivity. 

It Might Not Be Related to Teeth at All

What is interesting is that your toothache might have nothing to do with your teeth at all. In some cases, a sinus infection can feel like a toothache as well. If you notice any type of discomfort in your jaw or teeth, the most obvious solution is visiting the dentist. However, it is possible that these are just symptoms of infection instead. 

The treatment focuses on eliminating the infection or what caused it in the first place. You might get antibiotics, and in some rare cases, surgery will be required to solve the problem. Keep in mind that surgery is usually the last option. It is for people who have chronic infections. 

Whether you visit a walk-in dentist or an emergency dentist, they will be able to shed some light on the situation and help you understand the problem. 

What Can You Do?

Now that we’ve covered what causes sensitive teeth all of a sudden, we should talk about your options and what you can do if you notice anything odd. The solution to the problem depends on the reason why your teeth started hurting in the first place. 

For example, if teeth grinding is the problem, you will need to focus on the underlying condition. It might be related to anxiety, stress, or something else. The simplest solution is to protect your teeth and wear a mouth guard while sleeping if it happens during the night. 

In case that cavity is a problem, there are numerous procedures that can eliminate the problem, from fillings to dentures. The best possible option is to talk to the dentist as soon as you notice something. 

Sudden tooth sensitivity to hot and cold is another usually a clear sign that you need to address the problem, and the last thing you should do is wait. 

Problems with teeth won’t disappear without treatment. That is why you should talk to the doctor as soon as you start thinking that there is a dental emergency. Naturally, this doesn’t mean that you will need emergency dental services. But, your dentist will be able to explain all about it. The most important thing is to act on time and focus on oral hygiene. It is the only way to avoid potential problems and worst-case scenarios.

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