Home » The Impact of These 4 Web Designing Tips will Surely Benefit You

The Impact of These 4 Web Designing Tips will Surely Benefit You

by Melanie Peterson
A friend of mine works as a web designer. She’s not only a wonderful person but a website design maven. That day, we were chatting about how far things have come in the domain of website designing. Previously, there was a lack of media to showcase on the website but today, we have media in abundance that makes the website design engaging. Since the last 2 decades, the Indian website designing industry is undergoing several changes. The features of website development we are seeing today were initiated long back. It is just that features have modified

The entire credit goes to website designers toiling behind the curtain. All changes came to existence because of the lessons learned while designing & developing websites. Those changes aren’t restrained to be applied for the current website designing trends but also for the forthcoming breed of website designing professionals. I also researched this and talked with my friend. Below, I’m compiling some prominent points that will surely help web designers to excel ahead.

#1. Be Professional & Learn to Deny

I never tell a doctor to do “His Job” in the right way. A professional doctor knows how to treat his patients and I do not hold a medical degree. However, many people with zero technical knowledge about website designing tend to direct web designers for designing the website according to their wishes. Just by surfing the web and reading a couple of write-up doesn’t qualify your client as a web designing professional. Hence, educating clients regarding the work ethics you follow is essential.

There’s a high possibility of facing clients that simply do not want to understand and yell aimlessly. Such clients throw different tantrums to get the work done. Instead of dealing with energy vampires, it is suggested to maintain distance. Avoiding such clients and their work is a better choice than taking up the work yet not being able to showcase your creativity.

#2. Do Not Roll for the Bleating Barn

In the current scenario, trends get viral in a blink of an eye. It applies everywhere like fashion space, décor sector, marketing industry, and more. They are similar to the hash-tag trends on Twitter.  This also applies to web designers. During my research, I scrolled through several websites and found that many sites had the same template. It felt as if web designers became parasites and have stuck over the same design. If I have to compile it in three words, I would say that it was cringy.

When you work as a professional web designer, you unleash creativity by thinking out-of-the-box. A web designer shouldn’t ignore the trending design templates but they shouldn’t blindly follow the web designing trends. Instead of clinging to one website design, a designer should go through different templates, brainstorm ideas, and then conceive the best design for a website. It will surely classify your attempt as outclass!

#3.  Keep Your Portfolio Updated

My friend, about whom I mentioned previously, keeps her portfolio updated. It is a must for every web designer because it adds weight to your work. When a website designer is hired by a company or brand, the foremost thing done by them is seeing the designer’s portfolio. In case you do not have one, create it immediately for showcasing some of the best website designs you produced.

Having a portfolio is like self-marketing. Having a portfolio helps in promoting the work. Many web designers have a section on their website where they have a list of former clients in the portfolio. This way, web designing professionals can win over the trust of their clients.

#4. Convenient Navigation

Trust me, web designers are no less than magicians. They not only design the website but also carve a smooth navigation path. Without appropriate navigation, operating a website becomes a tough job. However, web designers should keep in mind some points while designing website navigation. CTA placement, usability, and web accessibility are key points that should be considered while creating the navigation design of a website.

The main goal of designing navigation is to provide content/media to the user whenever desired. Hence, Java and Flash are widely preferred for creating website navigation paths. Moreover, it should be kept in mind that jumping between pages remains smooth.

The Final Words

The website designing industry is young and dynamic. In the near future, we’re bound to witness more changes. Web designers should keep their senses open to catch up with the best trends that are ruling the web designing industry. It will help the aspiring designers to learn new things and set up benchmarks throughout their journey.

What I shared above was based on the conversation with my website designer friend and the research. I hope that by going through this write-up, established and aspiring web designers, will benefit equally.

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