Home » Why is the Catholic Church Using Prayer Candles?

Why is the Catholic Church Using Prayer Candles?

by Maria Berg

Why do Christians use candles? In this article, we examine one of the earliest Christian practices. Also, we will see why Catholics utilize candles as both symbols and prayer intentions.

In churches and other religious rituals around the globe, votive candles, often known as prayer candles, are frequently utilized. Commonly, the light emanating from these candles signifies the presence of a higher force or God. Despite the fact that these candles are typically used in churches, many individuals also use them at home. Some may burn candles at the dinner table for the purpose of prayer or so that they may be accompanied by God’s light while they dine.

Why is the Catholic Church Using Prayer Candles

Other others just place these candles around their homes in both major and insignificant locations so that they are constantly reminded of their God. These candles may be purchased in shops and online, providing customers with a wide variety of scented and unscented candles for their personal religious activities at home.

To comprehend how to find out how to use these candles at home, you must first realize that there are several methods to conduct religion while away from church or Temple (depending on your religion).

If you choose to completely employ this practice, you may even designate a special space as your prayer chamber, similar to a sanctuary. Given that you will be in your bedroom at least twice a day and for the bulk of most evenings, it is the ideal spot to put votive candles. Find some places where candles will fit into your décor. After that, start practicing your faith while utilizing the votive candles that are used in churches and temples worldwide.

Why Then Do Catholics Place Candles Before Statues and Icons?

Early Christians started setting lights on the graves of martyrs in the catacombs. They do it as a sign of devotion, representing God’s presence and communication with Him via Jesus. They did this because they believed the victim was in total contact with God now that he or she was in paradise.

As a result of this, we ask that this individual, in full communion with Christ, pray for us in the way we would pray for a dear and loving friend. A major benefit of their intercession is their complete contact with God.

By burning a candle in front of a relic, statue, or icon, we are declaring that God dwells completely inside that person. This person is in complete communion with God, and that person gives God eternal praise. Catholics observe this custom not to venerate the picture itself but rather the one it depicts.

When candles are lighted in front of Christ’s picture, it is to demonstrate our regard for Him. He merits our admiration and appreciation. Also, He is the only one who can forgive our sins and restore us to a closer connection with Him. Only when candles are lighted in front of depictions of God are they used to worship the represented entity.

Christians adopted the use of lighted candles at Mass, liturgical processions, night time prayer services, funeral processions and to demonstrate respect for the Blessed Sacrament. Additionally, it is probable that candles or oil lamps were lit at the graves of saints, especially martyrs.

A Religious Matter

Light has always had unique importance in the Catholic church since it depicts Christ. According to Jesus, he is the light that sheds light on the world. In addition, the Gospel of St. John relates Christ to the idea of light in John 1:4: “In him was life, and life was mankind’s light.”

This explains why, during the Sacrament of Baptism, the priest gives the newly baptized a candle lighted from the Paschal candle. Also, he instructs them to accept the light of Christ. And on Easter, the Paschal candle is lighted as a symbol of Christ’s resurrected light. It cannot be extinguished and represents hope and love to the globe.

Churches today light candles in front of images or statues of our Lord or a saint. The light represents the entrance of our prayer, which is presented with confidence into the light of God. It also demonstrates respect and our desire to be present in prayer throughout the day.

In the majority of Catholic churches, votive candles are often lit. These lights are an indication that we are requesting a favor from the Lord or the saint in whose presence the votive is placed. Another form of burning candles, vigil lights, are generally accompanied by prayers of vigilance or patience.

Typically, a coin box or basket is placed beside these candles so that devotees may make money to cover the cost of the candles. Those who are in a position to do so can consider making a little gift to help defray the expense.

To Extend the Time of Prayers

You can extend your prayers to someone by lighting a candle for them and showing solidarity with them. The devout often light candles to express their appreciation to God for answered prayers.

Many of these candles are of the beeswax material. The nectar-collecting worker bees have no role in the reproduction of their species. The pure beeswax also portrays the flesh of Christ.

Ashes and palms are blessed with candles you buy in luxury candle boxes wholesale; thus, churches and cemeteries are dedicated with candles as well as a newly ordained priest is blessed with candles. Furthermore, they are present at all sacraments except for Penance.


In the Catholic Church, candles have an essential function, and their history dates back centuries. The religious significance of light has been used for centuries, as has the common use of candles. In Judaism, a permanent light was maintained in the Temple and synagogues as a sign of God’s presence.

One thread runs across all of these events: the candles signify Jesus, the genuine light. You may often pray throughout the day, not only at the obvious periods. These timings include before eating, waking up, and going to bed after a long, fruitful day. Some individuals actively schedule periods when they will cease their activities and pray to their God. Despite the fact that candle manufacturing is no longer a part of our internship offerings, we continue to provide our young men and women with an opportunity to gain vital skills that will lead to prosperous careers. It has been a custom since the early days of our household.

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