Home » Procedure to Best Correct a Double Chin?

Procedure to Best Correct a Double Chin?

by Melanie Peterson

When we start aging, the skin around the neck is among the first places to show. A few people are more likely to begin developing and collecting some fat under their chin. The excess fat and the loose skin affect the jawline and the facial structure of the person.

There are several ways to get rid of double chin augmentation in NYC. After examination, your surgeon may recommend one or a combination of two procedures depending on the assessment results. There is no single, double chin surgery that can work entirely on its own, but there is a combination of various approaches that will help you remove the unwanted fat and help tighten the neck skin and give you a more firm defined neck area. Below are multiple procedures the plastic surgeon uses to correct the double chin.

Chin Liposuction

It’s the procedure of removing the unwanted fat from under the chin. The plastic surgeon inserts a small tube called a cannula into different areas of your chin. The doctor then uses a gentle suction, using a small and strategic amount of pressure to remove a little fat from each section. After which, you will get a smoother and more even chin and face.

Neck Lift

Also known as a lower rhytidectomy is removing the excess skin and tightening the neck skin muscles. It will give your face a contoured appearance. In this procedure, incisions are made behind the ear and under the chin; the surgeon removes the excess skin and tightens the neck muscles.

The Procedure

The following are some necessary procedures for doubles chin surgery.

  • The plastic surgeon will make some markings on your chin to note all the areas they will put the cannulas.
  • Your skin will be cleansed with an antiseptic solution that will kill any germs on the surface and reduce any chances of getting infected.
  • You will then be sedated or given local anesthesia or numbing medication to help you not feel any pain during the procedure.
  • The surgeon will then make several small incisions on your skin where the cannula will get inserted.
  • After the surgeon inserts the cannula, they use a back and forth motion to remove excess fat. They ensure to make the fat removal even on all the sections to give you an even and smooth facial appearance after the process.
  • After the process is complete and all the unwanted fat gets removed, you will get bandaged, and a special chin strap is put on to ensure the skin is well supported as it heals.


It’s a surgery that combines chin liposuction and neck lift to tighten muscles under the chin. For the Submentoplasty, the surgeon makes a small incision under your chin and uses the liposuction procedure to remove the neck fat.


The plastic surgeon puts some marks on your chin and neck with lines and some arrows to mark the procedure’s areas.

  • You will then be given an IV medication or given local anesthesia to keep put you to sleep.
  • The marked areas will then get cleaned with an antiseptic solution. The doctor might also inject you with local anesthesia on the skin, depending on the approach he decides to take.
  • After, the surgeon will make some incisions along the hairline, around, or behind your ears. They will then remove the unwanted fat and some skin from the neck. They will later tighten the neck muscles to give your skin a more toned look.
  • The final step will be closing up the incision with either glue or stitches. After healing, the stitches and the incisions will be visible.

Risks and Side Effects

Just like other types of surgeries, this might bring some complications when foreign instruments get inserted into your skin, which might cause some risks. You may also not ultimately achieve the look you wanted, and this is why it’s essential to have a lengthy talk with the doctor to ensure you discuss in depth what you want, and the doctor will advise if what you are looking for is achievable or not. Before the surgery, the doctor will also educate you on these risks and effects before making sure you have all the necessary information. Some of the risks include:

  • Facial features may become asymmetry.
  • Breathing difficulties caused by anesthesia.
  • Infections
  • Injuries on the nerves
  • Excessive swelling, bleeding, and discomfort

How to Prepare Before the Surgery

It’s essential to have realistic expectations for the surgery you are about to undertake. The expectation should be on the recovery time and results after the procedure. Keep in mind there is a big chance that you might not get the facial results you were hoping to get.

After The Surgery

After the procedure, you are likely to experience some swelling and discomfort. Your skin around the chin and the neck areas will feel tight and uncomfortable due to the bruising caused by the incisions. If the surgeon had inserted some facial drains to reduce fluids and blood build-up on the neck, you should have them removed after a day or two.

After the surgery, ensure you make yourself as comfortable as possible. Eat light but healthy meals and snacks to ensure you don’t hurt or stretch the skin while chewing. Also, ensure you take plenty of water and follow the medication as prescribed by the doctor. And in case of any complications, it’s essential to go back and see the doctor for a checkup and further advice.

You are also required to apply antibiotics and some ointment the doctor will prescribe in the incision areas. You should avoid sunlight and excess water, especially in the operation areas, for a few days until the sites start to heal.

The recovery time will depend on the approach the plastic surgeon used. The healing process takes only a few days for liposuction, and some will take a few weeks to heal. For a facelift, you might not return to your usual work until after about two weeks.

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