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Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick

by Melanie Peterson
At the beginning of each new year, many people make New Year’s resolutions that would better their life overall but aren’t easy to stick with because the resolutions cause them to make such a huge and dramatic change to their lives in such a short period of time. If you want to make a New Year’s resolution that you can stick with, try to establish a solid plan for how you can execute your resolution and actually stick with it for the long run. The following guide walks you through a few manageable New Year’s resolutions to consider for the New Year and a few tips for how to make the resolution as manageable as it can be.

Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick

Make a Resolution to Build Muscle Rather than to Lose Weight

Many people get so caught up with the number that they see when they look at the scale, that they lose sight of the changes that happen in their body as they start to work out and build muscle. This year, consider throwing away your scale and focus on how much stronger you get as you work out, rather than focusing time and effort to see numbers diminish on a scale.

If you want to start working out, don’t sign up for a long-term gym membership. This could lead to you paying a lot of money for smoothing that you don’t use as often as you aspire to do at the beginning of the year. Instead, consider signing up for a group fitness class at your community center or hire a personal trainer to help you once a week to develop a workout program that’s right for you. Working out with a group can help you to stay motivated and make your workouts more enjoyable. Working out with a personal trainer allows you to learn the right way to do each exercise and ensures that you are being pushed hard when you exercise with him or her.

Focus on Eating Healthier Foods Rather Than Going on a Diet

Many people make the mistake of trying to make a massive overhaul in their diet when a new year starts. They throw out all of the junk food in their house, buy healthy foods, and think that they can force their body into craving broccoli instead of ice cream. This isn’t the case though.

Consider taking cooking classes that allow you to learn new and interesting ways to add flavor to your foods. Using spices and herbs can boost the flavor so you don’t have to rely on butter and sauces to make things taste great.

You can also make small changes to the foods that you buy, but trying to stop all unhealthy eating isn’t going to be maintainable for the rest of your life. Many people who choose to eat healthy foods allow themselves to splurge every now and then on the food they know isn’t good for them, but tastes great. Allow yourself to have a bowl of ice cream, some buttery popcorn, or even candy every once in a while, so that you don’t crash and burn when the healthy food becomes too much for you to bare.

Focus on Overcoming an Addiction Rather than Ignoring It

If you are someone who has dabbled with drugs from time to time or feel that you may have an addiction to them, consider getting help for your addiction at the start of the new year. Starting off your year fresh, clean from drugs can help to make the rest of the year even better. Overcoming an addiction to drugs can be very difficult to do on your own though especially if you are addicted to heroin or morphine. The addiction to heroin is strong physically and mentally. Many people relapse again and again because they don’t go to get professional help when they go through the detox symptoms as they try to stop using the drugs.

Take the time to research methadone near me to find a rehab center locally that you can go to for treatment. Methadone will reduce the symptoms during detox to make overcoming the addiction easier. If you are employed, you don’t have to worry about your employer firing you for getting the treatment that you need. There are laws in place that protect your job so that you can improve your life and still have a great job to come back to when you are done.

It’s best to contact the facility right away to make arrangements for your treatment. You want to be sure that you can give your boss exact dates that you will be in treatment so that he or she can make plans accordingly. Knowing that you will still have a job when you get out will allow you to focus on the treatment that you need rather than worrying about what’s going to happen when you finish the treatment program.

Save Money Where You Can Without Giving Up All Enjoyment

A very common New Year’s resolution is the resolution to start saving money or to pay off the debts that are owed. While being debt-free is great, it’s important to not sacrifice your quality of life in order to get there. Take manageable steps to save money such as limiting how often you go out to eat, shopping sales when you go to the grocery store, and using coupons whenever you can. It’s important to make sure that you still go out and do things from time to time so that you can release stress and build bonds with the people you love. There are often free events in the community that you can attend and websites where you can buy discount event tickets so you can still do and see things that you love without having to pay the full price for them.

New Year’s resolutions are designed to help you improve your life overall so that you can be as happy and productive as possible at all times. If you are constantly worrying about how to stick to your resolution, you won’t be enjoying your life the way that you should. You don’t have to give up all happiness to live a productive life. Having a good balance between fun and responsibility is important.

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