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How To Balance Meaningful Travel & Your Relationship With Your Significant Other

by Melanie Peterson
We are often left amazed when we travel strategically and with purpose. A transformation occurs when there is a conscious effort on our part to go to new places and learn new languages and cultures. The transformation that happens to us is not just knowing or learning new things, but also there is a shift in our understanding about ourselves, the world and our relationship with other people. Prior to these experiences, we have had a myopic understanding of our place in the world.

How To Balance Meaningful Travel & Your Relationship With Your Significant Other

Our partners cannot but notice the shift we have experienced; this is not because we gave them the lowdown on what we experienced but it just shines through.

Here are a few tips on how your love life can go hand in glove with your travel life. Follow me!

Never forget to communicate
This is one of the most important things (if not the most important). Make sure you are constantly in touch with your other half. It is easy to assume you’ll be diligent your calls or texts to your other half, but do not be surprised if you easily forget when it’s time to call. You may well remember but miscalculate the time difference or lack access to a device to make that call. This does not mean you have to spend every minute with them on the phone — just let your other half know you are thinking of them. Here it is, text them every day, ask how they’re doing and let them know you miss them. Click this link to get lesbian dating apps free.

Be mindful of your other half
Yes, you have passed the first stage by communicating, never bore your love with your travel experiences. They might well be thrilling and you just want to share them, but always remember that your partner is void of feelings and experiences too. Maintain a balance when you talk — make sure your communication isn’t one-sided. You might subconsciously dominate the conversation when your experiences are so thrilling. Whenever this happens, balance the scale.

Reflect, then share
As you return home, there is bound to be a period of both euphoria and sadness. This might be due to reverse culture shock. Also, on your return, you are bound to be excited about the things you have learnt and experienced. It is important that you slow down so you do not bore them and they appear uninterested in whatever you are saying. Remember, only you had the experience, they were not part of any of it. Reflect on the points of transformations during your travels. Reflect on questions about what changed your perspective on life? Who you won’t forget in your lifetime? These thoughts will help you understand the change you’ve experienced and will help you settle in back home. It will also help you know how to relate your experiences to your partner.

Always remember that each relationship is different and as such, will demand attention and care in unique ways that tend to the individual needs of your partner.

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